Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Encontrei isso no backup do meu comp véio!

ALGUMAS FRASES de filmes ou séries de TV que eu acho o máximo! Tipo... coisas que eu gostaria de ter falado...já falei... ou ainda vou falar...? O.o
"Xena: "No, it's true. You talk about trying to find your way, but to me, you are my way."
Gabrielle: "How can I be your way, when I-- I'm lost, myself?"
Xena: "I'm searching for answers, too. But how we look for them doesn't matter-- as long as we look for them together-- you and me."
[Do Episódio de Xena: "A Family Affair" - Quarta Temporada]
★★"Even if we never talk again after tonight, please remember that I am forever changed by who you are and what you meant to me"
[De "Chasing
(Singing): "One look, from you...I drift away...I
pray that you are here to stay...Anything you want,
you got it...Anything you need, you got it...Anything
at all, you got it...Baby...Every tim
e I hold you I
begin to understand...Everything about you tells me I'm your best friend...So I live my life to be
with you... 'Cause no one can do the things you
do...Anything you want, you got it...Anything you
need, you got it...Anything at all, you got
it...Baby...Anything you need...Anything you
want...you got it...Anything you need, you got it..."
[de "Boys On The Side"]
★★★★"(...) when you look in her eyes and she's looking back in yours... everything... feels... not quite normal. Because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. You feel excited and at the same time, terrified. The truth is... you don't know what you feel except you know what kind of man you want to be. It's as if you've reached the unreachable and you weren't ready for it"
[De "SpiderMan I"]
★★★★★"There's a moment when I look at you
And no speech is left in me.
My tongue breaks, then fire races under my skin
And I tremble,
And grow p
For I am dying of such love."
[Do Episódio de Xena: "Many Happy Returns" - Sexta Temporada]
★★★★★★" Don't Forget Me..."
" I won't remember anything else"
[De "Imagine Me & You"]
martha kent said to clark:
"honey, i understand how much this hurts, but part of being human, being in love is learning to let go."
[De Smallville - Sexta temporada episódio 17]

Xena To Gabrielle: "If I only had 30 seconds to live, this is how I'd want to live them. Looking into your eyes."
[de Xena, sexta temp, A Friend In Need, ÚLTIMO EPISÓDIO! =

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Boa Sorte ;)

"Não se entregue e não deixe a maré te levar
Só não deixe a maré te levar"