Monday, November 21, 2011
Enquanto isso no facebook... (2)

Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Smallville - Series Finale
"I, Clark Kent, take you, Lois Lane, to be my companion, forever. With you by my side I will never be alone. Though the world sees a strong and independent woman, I've never known someone with such gentle grace and more pure heart. When I've been lost you've always been there to bring me back, so on this day, at this moment, I pledge the rest of my life to you. You've always believed in me, and I believe in you. When you believe in someone it's not for a minute, or just for now, it's forever" *.*
That's the way I love you.
That's how our love is: Super (:
"(...) Clark, I can not imagine spending a moment of my life without you. I promise that I will always have your back, as you will always have mine. You're my best friend, you're my home, and you are my true love, and I am yours and will be forever." *.*
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Enquanto isso, no facebook...
Relaxa... Quem se importa se Iphone é melhor que android?
Você sabe viajar em si mesmo? Sabe ficar sozinho sem ouvir o som da própria voz de vez em quando? Sabe ser gente sem precisar comprar e compartilhar a dor alheia?
Sabe deitar a cabeça no travesseiro e dormir?
Sabe rir ou tem vergonha de parecer tolo?
Se vc precisa ainda de aprovação pra ser o que vc quer ser ou o que acha que precisa ser:
Você é mané.
Tire a máscara!
Se vc anda, respira, faz cocô e ainda por cima "ama", n tenha vergonha disso,
Vc é humano. Welcome to the club.
Eu faço cocô e leio no banheiro.
Ai que falta de classe, desculpa, sociedade...
Monday, October 24, 2011
Aprendendo a Amar
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Forbidden Love - John Dice
I can see it in your eyes, it sparkles eveywhere
You're so afraid to lose me
No one can come between us
We're just two souls with one connection
We are meant to be
I need the powers from above to resist my true love
This is forbidden
And I was laying, still the thought of you makes my heart complete
I can see it in your eyes, darkness eveywhere
You're afraid to hurt me
Someone can come between us
But still I'll love you forever
Love, you're just not meant for me
I need the powers from above to resist my true love
'Cause this is forbidden love, this is forbidden love
I need the powers from above to resist my true love
This is forbidden love, this is forbidden love
We need the powers from above to resist this true love
This is forbidden love, this is forbidden love
I need the powers from above to resist my true love
This is forbidden love
This is forbidden love
This is forbidden love
Monday, May 09, 2011
Novos Tempos
Tantas palavras tristes
Tantas dores expostas
Perpetuadas aqui...
Já enterradas
Tantas dores ...
Não mais
Já secas demais
O que era partiu já
Abriu caminhos
Cicatrizou, curou...
Novos tempos vieram
De tantas vontades
Mas tempos poucos
De tantas saudades...
Nessa presença pouca
De poucos toques
E olhares perseguidos
Cresceu um sentimento
Em cada suspiro contido
Nos minutos e segundos
De proximidade doída
De batidas de corações
Apertados, famintos
Em abraços sedentos
Cresceu um gostar infinito
Que de beijos rápidos
E muitas esperanças
Alcançou status e ousadia
Virando paixão e libido
O meu e o seu amor
Nosso futuro
Nosso abrigo
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
"An Unusual Kiss", Melissa Etheridge
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
Não Vá Embora - Marisa Monte
Monday, April 04, 2011
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here
If I just lay here
would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own
If I lay here
If I just lay here
would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all
If I lay here
If I just lay here
would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Down Em Mim - Cazuza
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
"(...) Enquanto você conversa e me beija
Ao mesmo tempo eu vejo
As suas cores no seu olho, tão de perto
Me balanço devagar
Como quando você me embala
O ritmo rola fácil
Parece que foi ensaiado
E eu acho que eu gosto mesmo de você
Bem do jeito que você é
Eu vou equalizar você
Numa freqüência que só a gente sabe
Eu te transformei nessa canção
Pra poder te gravar em mim
(...) Até parece que você já tinha
O meu manual de instruções
Porque você decifra os meus sonhos
Porque você sabe o que eu gosto
E porque quando você me abraça
O mundo gira devagar
E o tempo é só meu
E ninguém registra a cena
De repente vira um filme
Todo em câmera lenta
E eu acho que eu gosto mesmo de você
Bem do jeito que você é"
(Equalize, Pitty)
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Reflexões Carnavalescas 1 - uzamigo, azamiga & asculega
Monday, February 28, 2011
Porca Ingratidão
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Abraços e Sonhos
Mas ela já não gosta tanto assim
A porta ainda está aberta
Mas da janela já não entra luz"
Monday, January 17, 2011
My Soul Ghost - Dana Kerstein
And I know you're close
I watch your shadow linger
And I feel your ghost
How long, how far do I need to go?
Before your splintered heart
Opens up and takes my soul
My soul
Inside the darkest corners of a haunted mind
I see scattered pictures of a lonely child
How long, how far do I need to go?
Before your splintered heart
Opens up and takes my soul
My soul
And all I feel inside me
Is an empty space
I know you want to haunt me
But you leave no trace
How long, how far do I need to go?
Before your splintered heart
Opens up and takes my soul
My soul
My soul
My soul
My Soul Ghost - Dana Kerstein Mp3